Joan Serna
RSS FeedSr. Frontend Engineer with a strong background in web and mobile application development using modern technologies such as JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Angular, React, and Typescript. I have worked on creating systems and applications for diverse industries including healthcare, hospitality, e-commerce, and fintech. I am a technology enthusiast, always willing to learn and adopt new tools and methodologies.
Tech Stack
- Frontend: HTML, CSS, JavaScript/TypeScript, Angular, React, Ionic
- Backend: Node.js, Express, NestJS, Laravel, PHP, Golang
- Databases: PostgreSQL, MySQL, MongoDB, Firebase/Firestore
- Testing & DevOps: AWS, Jest, Cypress, Jasmine
- Mobile: Capacitor
- Other: Socket IO, NextJS
If you'd like to discuss potential opportunities or collaborations, please feel free to reach out to me at:
Recent Posts
Preventing Memory Leaks in RxJS
Published: at 05:00 PMMemory leaks can be a major issue when we do not give it adequate importance, when writing reactive applications, we must make sure that the events we listen for are handled in the best way, that we are not listening forever for these events, that their listening stops at some point.